Friday, April 18, 2014

Piper is Two!

My sweet Piper is now two years old!  This girl is so precious and crazy, I definitely want to remember these things about her when she's older.  Here is an update on Piper:

  • Stats: Just shy of 29 pounds, and 35 and 1/4 inches tall.  75th percentile all around. 
  • Nicknames: Pipes, Pipey, Schmunchkin, Butternut Squash
  • Favorite foods: EVERYTHING.  Seriously, there's not much this girl doesn't like, except for maybe eggs.  She is especially enthusiastic about pasta, bananas, chocolate milk, and peanut butter/nutella sandwiches.  Yep, we're pretty healthy around here ;)
  • Favorite movies/shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, and Princess Sophia
  • Favorite things to do: Piper loves to play with whatever Ellie has...which is why my kids fight as much as they do haha.  Right now, Piper really enjoys scribbling on the magna doodle, playing dress up, building with blocks, taking care of her baby dolls, visiting the library, and going down the slide on the playground.
  • Favorite games: Chasing Ellie, playing in her pop-up tent, dancing to music, and singing songs ("Jesus Loves Me," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," etc.)
  • Favorite books: Anything by Sandra Boynton (but especially Doggies), Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin
  • Things she's good at: She's very verbal and picks up new words and phrases easily.  She is very sweet toward Grace and says "hi, Gracie!" all the time.  She's also hilarious and makes all of us laugh, and definitely knows how to be so cute that no one can stay mad at her.  She is also REALLY good at screaming....
  • Things she's not so good at: Hmm.  Screaming is not my favorite.  Sharing is a big challenge right now, and she also gets scared very easily.  She can be pretty headstrong when she wants to be, but maybe that will be a good thing someday?! :)
  • Funny things she says/does: She calls her favorite blanket "Fuzzy" and likes to pick fuzz off of it with one hand while sucking her thumb on the other hand; says "goodness gracious" quite often; names all of the princesses in her own way, such as Tee-nana, Sweeping Booty, Punzel, and Cin-wewa; begs to be tickled by her Daddy before bed and then screams at the top of her lungs when he does it; likes to pray before bed, which almost always goes like this: "Dear God, thank you for Daddy, Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Mommy, Daddy, Ellie, Gracie, Mommy, Daddy, bleekie-boopie-blaggie-goobie-blah (unintelligible), in Jesus' name, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaamen!"

This girl is so sweet.  I can't believe it's already been two years since she was born.  She is the most ridiculous, adorable, strong-headed little girl I know.  She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to make that known.  She can be very cuddly and quiet, and the next minute she's screaming at the top of her lungs (and that could mean she's extremely happy or extremely angry!).  She has the most beautiful big brown eyes and the cutest little potbelly (which she loves to show off by lifting her shirt and rubbing or patting her belly).  Her hair is wild and if it's not pulled back she looks a little like Bozo the Clown with it puffing out at the sides.  She talks so well and one of her favorite phrases right now is, "I want to do it by myself!"  She loves her sisters and I can already tell that all three of them will be so close.  She can hold her own with Ellie and while it frustrates me to tears, it also makes me a little proud at how tough she is.  I am so blessed to be this little girl's mama and she has taught me so much...she is my strong, funny, wild child and I wouldn't change that for anything.  We love you, sweet Pipey-girl!  

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