The morning of Grace's birth started off well. I got up a little earlier than normal so that I could get ready and finish packing. Bonnie (Billy's mom) had spent the night with us, so she was able to get the girls up and eating breakfast so that I could focus on getting those last few things done. I remember after getting myself completely ready I just sat on the bed in silence. I had been so excited leading up to her birth that I hadn't really felt nervous, but in that moment it all hit me that we were having our third child and that I would be having abdominal surgery for the third time. I started thinking about Ellie and Piper and how their little worlds were getting ready to change and that Piper wouldn't be my baby anymore...needless to say, I got a little overwhelmed emotionally. I did the exact same thing the morning that Piper was born and even in the midst of being all hormonal I laughed at myself. After the girls finished breakfast they came upstairs to our bedroom so I could have a few minutes alone with them. I felt sad and happy, excited and freaked out all at the same time. The girls, of course, were completely wrapped up in having Grandma with us and I don't think they even picked up on my awkwardness. I think Ellie understood what was happening since we had explained that Mommy and Daddy were going to the hospital to have Grace and that she would be able to come visit us later that evening, but Piper at 21 months old could care less haha.
Billy and I headed to the hospital after that. He kindly ate breakfast in the car in front of me (while I'm fasting and can't eat or drink anything...) but I did give him permission so I guess I can't fuss about it too much haha. We got to the hospital at 9:30, took a few pictures outside, and then went to check in.
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40 weeks with Grace! |
My doctor was running a little late that day (which we expected since I was not first in line for surgery that morning) so Billy and I just sat in our little room and chilled while we waited. We talked, took some pictures, played on our phones a little bit, and just tried to relax. Billy kept having issues with the scrubs they brought him to wear and they were all either too small or way too big so that kept me laughing for a while. Finally they told us it was time!
We walked to the operating room and Billy had a nice little chair to sit in while he waited for me to get ready. They took me into the freezing cold room and had me straddle the operating table so the anesthesiologist could put the spinal in. That is always the nerve-wracking part for me (in my head I'm thinking, "Am I bending over far enough? Will they get the spinal in properly? Am I going to be paralyzed for life?" haha). Thankfully my midwife was right there and held my hand through it and kept me chatting so I wouldn't feel as nervous. I immediately felt my lower half get warm and numb and then it's like I'm a giant rag doll as they get me all situated. I started to feel kinda bad because the nurses are like, "Can you scoot a little to the side?" and I just lay there because I'm a giant numb blob haha. They got the sheet up and the anesthesiologist used a pin to prick my shoulder and told me to tell him when I could feel the pinprick again. He did that all over my stomach and moved his way up until I could feel it again and then the doctor used a clamp to pinch my abdomen for the final test. I couldn't feel anything so I passed the test and Billy was allowed to come in and sit next to me.
I always feel a little weird when I get the anesthesia, like I'm really sleepy and calm. This time, I had a cough going into surgery so that made things a little interesting. Every now and then I would feel a tickle in my throat like I needed to cough but I was a little paranoid about doing that while they were cutting me open. There's also this feeling of confusion when talking or laughing because you're supposed to feel your stomach move when you do those things, but because everything is numb you don't feel it and it gives the sensation of not being able to talk/breathe/laugh. So I mostly stayed silent during the surgery and just smiled and nodded when people asked if I was doing okay. Billy the Brave decided to actually watch the surgery and spent the whole time standing next to me and looking over the curtain (I didn't know they would let him do that!). They warned him that if he passed out they weren't going to do anything for him, but of course Billy isn't the least bit squeamish about that stuff and he did fine. He actually got to see Grace being born, which is a first for him (he wasn't with me during Ellie's birth and he stayed behind the curtain during Piper's birth).
That's little Grace coming out of my stomach! Don't mind the bloody rag in the background... |
They did her measurements, Billy cut the umbilical cord, and then I got to snuggle with her while laying on the operating table. I made sure to tell every single person involved in my surgery that I wanted to do kangaroo care (skin-to-skin contact) immediately, which is something new that our hospital just started doing a few months ago. I think it was so important to me because I missed out on the first 4 days of Ellie's life and then I didn't get to hold Piper as soon as I thought I would. I could tell the anesthesiologist was not a fan, but he kindly let me hold my little girl on my chest. This was by far the best moment of her birth. She immediately stopped crying when they put her on my chest and got super quiet while I talked to her. She started looking for food and nuzzled my cheek and it was just the happiest moment I've experienced when having a baby.
The happiest mama in the world! |
My angry 7.5 pound little girl! |
After snuggling for a few minutes they took her to the nursery and I felt so much calmer during that time than I did with Piper. I was so thankful to have held her against me for a few minutes and that really sustained me through the rest of the surgery. I just relaxed and listened to everyone talking and it was really very calm. Before I knew it I was done and they were sliding me onto a hospital bed to be wheeled down to my room. We passed the nursery on the way there and I got another glimpse of Grace while they did her Apgar scores and all that fun stuff. After about 30 minutes in recovery she was in the room with me and I was able to feed her.
We had lots of visitors that afternoon and even Ellie made it over to see us that evening. We figured it would be best for Ellie to come without Piper the first time since she would be able to understand better what was going on and then would (hopefully) help Piper the next day. She was appropriately interested in Grace but wasn't emotional or confused or anything. It was more like, "Yep, that's baby Grace, okay what's this thing in your arm Mommy??? And can I push those buttons on your bed?!"
Piper came to visit on Saturday and she seemed a little bothered that I was in a hospital bed. She kept staring at me with this confused/accusatory expression haha. She checked out Grace a little but was mostly interested in exploring the room and messing with everything.
The girls look thrilled, right? They were loving those glove balloons, though. |
Our hospital stay was pretty relaxed. Other than hacking up my lungs (and praying my incision wouldn't rip open) it was easy. Saturday night my pain kinda caught up with me and put me in tears for a few minutes until I could get some heavier painkillers, but after one dose I got in control of my pain and haven't had to take anything stronger than ibuprofen since then. I definitely wanted to get my strength back as soon as possible and actually got to stand up for a minute the same day I had surgery. I never want to overdo it, but I also think that pushing myself to stand, walk, take a shower, etc. helps me recover faster.
Grace was wonderfully relaxed in the hospital (most newborns are, I guess). She basically spent the whole time sleeping and cuddling. We did send her to the nursery both nights just because it's the one opportunity I have to try to get some sleep before going home and I like to take advantage of that. The nurses brought her to me for feeding in the middle of the night and every time they came in they said all she did was sleep in the nursery.
We came home on Sunday, two days after she was born. She has been a wonderfully content and sweet-tempered baby. I feel like (so far) she is really living up to her name. We love the name Grace as it refers to God's grace; we believe this little girl is an example of an undeserved blessing from God and we've experienced over and over how God gives us so much when we don't deserve an ounce of it. Victoria means "victory," which is special to me because I went through a really hard season in my life just prior to getting pregnant with Grace. I had some physical issues that I had been dealing with for a long time and FINALLY found some health professionals who listened to me and helped me overcome those problems. Having our third little girl after going through all of that felt like a victory to me! I really wanted to go through my pregnancy with an attitude of joy and thankfulness and her name helped me focus on that.
Our transition to having three children hasn't been nearly as difficult as I anticipated. Yes, it's still challenging balancing the needs of all these little people, but I really think the transition from one child to two was way harder. Piper was also a bit of a difficult baby and that probably made our transition harder. For the most part, Grace is pretty happy to just eat and be held. She is definitely a little snuggler, but thankfully she has a Daddy who loves to hold her! She is slowly going longer stretches at night between feedings so I am starting to get a little more sleep at night, but even if she eats every three hours she pretty much goes right back to sleep after eating.
After our first week at home, when I was finally starting to get my normal strength back, I got a stomach bug. Oh my gosh it was horrible. I started feeling bad Friday night and by Saturday morning I was stumbling around the house because I was so dizzy and then I started throwing up. Poor Billy had to be in charge of everyone on Saturday because I was totally bedridden. Every time I got out of bed I would start vomiting again so I pretty much just stayed laying down. The troops rallied around us on Sunday and we had tons of family come up to help. Granny and Poppaw came up to help with Ellie and Piper so that Billy could focus on taking care of Grace and me (they also did laundry and tried to help clean up around here a little!). Nana and Poppy came up and did some grocery shopping for us and my mom came up to stay with us for the next two days. By Monday I was still really sick and vomiting every time I got out of bed so we went to my OBGYN's office to get checked out. They said it was just a stomach bug but that I was severely dehydrated so I received two bags of IV fluids to help me get on top of that. I guess sickness, breastfeeding, and post-surgical recovery don't mix well? ;) I still felt horrible but stopped vomiting after I got the fluids. My mom stayed with us on Monday and Tuesday, my Poppaw came up on Wednesday, and Granny stayed with us on Thursday and Friday. It really took all of those people for us to get through it and survive. I finally started getting out of bed on Wednesday and by Friday I was actually showered and dressed (but still pretty dizzy). I am so thankful for all of my family who took time off work to stay with us and for so many friends who brought meals and prayed for us. That was rough and I hope that never, ever happens again.
I love her fat little face in this one! |
Well, that was a long and rambling story, which just goes to show where my brain is these days. Long story short, Grace is a sweetie pie, Ellie and Piper are some pretty awesome big sisters, I have the greatest husband in the world, and I am SO GLAD I'm not sick anymore! :)
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