I'm finally feeling inspired to blog about something! I go through these seasons of "un-inspiration," which may be God's way of telling me to just get through the day-to-day stuff and not look too far ahead (as I used to be very focused on what was in the future, and often sacrificed the present). But, it seems I stay in one extreme or the other, so here's to a little balance!
First, an update on our family. We are loving our house in Bridgewater and it is still a wonderful fit for us. We are STILL unpacking after living here for four months, but I think we will always have a few boxes hidden away that we forget about. We did a lot of unpacking in September to get ready for the fall yard sale, which was a major success. We made $450 and didn't even sell everything! I was totally amazed, since this was my first time doing my own yard sale. I'm excited that Bridgewater does this twice per year, as I think this will help me to be more regular about purging unnecessary things from our home. I was so proud of Billy, because he got rid of a ton of his stuff and I think his items were a big draw to our yard. We used that money to purchase some much-needed living room furniture for this house. We have living room furniture, but it went into the basement since that's our TV/den area. I wanted the living room on the main floor to be more of a "media-free zone" where we could just relax on the couch, read a book, or whatever. It was hard waiting four months before purchasing the furniture, but we wanted to see how much money we could make from the yard sale before going out to buy a bunch of stuff. Amazingly enough, we were able to buy everything on our list (plus a couple extras) for just $50 out of pocket after using our yard sale money. It is so nice to have a furnished living room now...it's my peaceful place in the morning where I can drink my coffee and just watch the girls play.
My pregnancy with Grace is going well right now. We had a few red flags come up during the 20 week ultrasound, but after going to UVA and meeting with a high-risk obstetrician, we were assured that everything is okay at this point. I am just now starting to feel more like my normal self...I was so caught up in the anxiety over what was going on with Grace and all of the questions (will she be a preemie? will she be as small as Ellie was? long term complications? will I get really sick with preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome again?) that I was missing out on just enjoying pregnancy and being a good mother to Ellie and Piper. I am thankful that nothing is wrong at this point and we're just trusting the outcome to God. Other than feeling very large and very tired these days, I'm feeling well =). I will be 27 weeks on Friday, which will put me in the third trimester (hard to believe!). I had a wonderful baby shower on Sunday, which made me feel so excited to get everything ready for our little Grace. By the way, I am SO happy that it's fall and finally getting cooler outside. I am not a hot-weather person and really prefer my days to be at 65 degrees or below. I am excited to start baking a little more and making all those fun things like crockpot apple butter, lots and lots of homemade bread, and some sweet things, too!
Ellie and Piper are, as usual, adorable little psychos. Ellie's communication skills continue to improve on a daily basis, although she still has her moments of incorrect grammar or pronunciation that we're working on. It's amazing that this little girl, who was just a teeny infant 3 years ago, is now speaking in complete sentences with complex thoughts. She is currently fascinated by weather, which seems so random to me. She asks at least once a day if it has snowed outside yet (she is really chomping at the bit to build a snowman). Anytime it rains, she tells me all about how the rain comes out of the clouds and goes into the ground to make the plants grow. She is obsessive about the location of the sun and moon and we go through that explanation on a very regular basis (the sun is up during the day, then the moon comes out at night). God forbid there are clouds in the sky and she can't see the sun, because then she wants to know where it is, why it's behind the clouds, etc. This girl makes me laugh so much.
Piper is getting to be a big girl now (I have to remind Ellie that Piper isn't really a baby anymore!). She has a large vocabulary and we're working a lot on pronouncing all of the sounds in a word. She is now equally matched against Ellie physically and is actually instigating some of the little tussles they have. She still loves books, animals, and food (all are equal in her world, I think). She is a seriously messy eater and loves to rub her greasy/peanut butter smeared fingers in her hair which drives me nuts. She also loves practicing sitting on the little potty and wants to imitate big sister all the time. We're still working on not being quite so clingy, but that's hard for all of us because we love to baby Piper. I still see her as my little baby, so we may have a big adjustment coming in January when Grace arrives. =)
Billy's work is going well and he is so thankful for the promotion he received that made him the components shop supervisor. He has great managerial skills and this is just another way he is able to invest in other people. He is also gearing up for hunting season and we're hoping for some success in this area. We live closer to the national forest now, so going early in the morning won't be as painful as it was when we lived in town. Also, Billy was doing work and school full time last year, so he didn't have much free time and that made it hard for him to get out regularly. I would love to try some venison recipes, so if you have any great ones please share!
I have some other blog posts in the works, but figured this was enough to read in one sitting =). We have some exciting (well, exciting to us!) things to share and I want to be a little more organized and thoughtful before just writing a whole novel in one post. Thank you for reading about our little family's craziness!
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