We had a great Easter weekend. Saturday was a pretty lazy day (thought about planting in our garden, but decided not to), so we just went to Target and had lunch at Chick-fil-A. We used two free sandwich coupons (from the receipt surveys from previous purchases), so we spent only $7 instead of the normal $12 or more...I love Chick-fil-A, I don't think that place will ever get old for me.
At Target, I found some great deals with coupons. I bought all of this for $4.57:
The dog food was free, and everything else was less than a dollar apiece. I love going to Target...it's probably my favorite store. I love getting stuff for cheap there, because it gives me an excuse to go there...otherwise, I feel bad asking Billy if we can go just to walk around. =)
On Sunday, we hiked Sharp Top Mtn. in Bedford. We've hiked it many times before, but we haven't been since 2008, and I honestly wasn't sure I could do it after having a baby. I'm not what I used to be, and I've come to accept that. I'm not in the best shape anyway, so when Billy suggested it I was a little wary. He invited one of his friends from school to join us, so up the mountain we went. Ellie and Shelley came along, too, which was a new experience. At first, I carried Ellie on my back in the baby carrier. That lasted for about 20 minutes, then she started crying. I thought, "Oh great...guess I should turn around now," so I took her out of the carrier and held her for a minute, and she stopped crying. We figured out that she didn't like being in the back (not being able to see anything), so Billy took her and carried her in the front. I thought that would be uncomfortable for a prolonged amount of time, but she was way happier being in the front.
It took us about an hour and a half of huffing and puffing to make it to the top, but we made it! That is such an exhausting hike on the way up, and I seriously had moments where I thought I couldn't go on and that I should just quit, but like all things, if you persevere it's worth it. Once we got to the top, I fed Ellie, and we took a few pictures.
It was a beautiful day. It wasn't blazing hot or humid, and it was very pleasant and breezy at the top. Ellie was a fantastic little hiker (although she did get carried the whole way...we'll see how she does when she starts walking!). She didn't complain and seemed to have a great time looking at everything and interacting with the other hikers we met. She even took a 45 minute nap on the way down, and stayed asleep even when Billy tripped and slipped over rocks...it's definitely not the smoothest trail (which is kinda the point of hiking, I guess). I rolled my ankle and fell a tenth of a mile from the parking lot (haha!) but fortunately nothing serious. Shelley, thankfully, broke my fall! =)
There were a lot of people hiking on Easter...for believers, it was a great day to enjoy God's creation and reflect on His son's resurrection.
It's back to the daily grind around here, which means changing lots of diapers and feeding hungry babies, but after having a week off, I feel rested to power through until the end of May. And Billy and I have resolved to take Shelley hiking with us more often...she was pitiful on Monday. She hobbled around like Spot used to and had to be prodded to go use the bathroom...she was apparently very sore after our 3 hour hike. I was sore, too, so I'm sure it wasn't any easier on her. Thankfully she's back to normal.
My little one is waking up now, so that means it's time for me to go. Hope everyone had a great Easter!
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