It's been a while since my last post. I haven't encountered any amazingly good deals this week, so I just got what I needed to get us through the week. I did use a few great coupons on Similac ready to feed quarts this week, so I was able to get four bottles for about $1 each. I also found some good deals at Target with coupons, but nothing noteworthy.
I wanted to dedicate this blog post to finding joy in simple things. No breakdowns of shopping trips...I just want to talk about the things that matter.
We started Ellie on solid foods a few weeks ago. Initially, it gave her horrible gas and I was worried that she'd never get over it. We used Mylicon drops like they were going out of style, and finally she got over that hurdle. Now that she's tried several types of food, she's gotten into her stride with eating. Thank goodness we can finally cut back on the formula!
I fed Ellie her breakfast this morning (oatmeal and applesauce mixed together...even makes it seem tasty to me!). It brought me so much joy to see this...
This little rascal snatched her spoon and tried to feed herself. Or at least that's what I tell myself she's doing. Really, she just sees something interesting and sticks it in her mouth. Regardless of the reason, I let her go for it. Sure, it makes a HUGE mess (the spoon was full of oatmeal-applesauce mixture...which didn't make it into her mouth), but it's worth it to let her become more independent and let her explore the art of eating. I try to let her hold the spoon, if she wants to, and guide it into her mouth. But sometimes, she's wants to do it by herself. =)
I know I've got to cherish these moments, because they'll be gone before I know it, and she'll be walking and talking very soon. There are moments when I worry, "Is she developing fast enough? Is it bad that she's not sitting on her own yet? Am I a bad mother because she's not ahead of everyone else?" I want to make sure I'm aware of what I need to teach Ellie, but at the same time I'm afraid that I'm rushing her into growing up. It's days like this when I realize this: she's happy, she's healthy, and she'll grow up when it's time. I'm going to cherish the oatmeal covered smile, and just enjoy today.
Another moment that brings a smile to my face is this....
I love seeing Billy interact with Ellie. He's definitely the fun parent...I'm the one who does the dirty work and sometimes makes Ellie cry, but he's the one who can always make her smile!
In this photo, he was letting Ellie stand on the floor so she could get a better look at Shelley. Ellie is madly in love with Shelley...she laughs and smiles at her almost as much as she does with Billy. She loves to "pet" Shelley...every time Shelley walks past her, she reaches her little hands out to touch her. So sweet. Anyway, Ellie was laughing at Shelley because she yawned...apparently that was very amusing.
I love my little family. We don't have much, and we live in a very small house, but we're comfortable and content. I've got a great husband who manages our finances so that we can survive for a whole year without him working, plus he does everything he can to make Ellie and I happy. He loves our daughter so much...can't ask for a better man! Ellie, of course, is my joy...I can't imagine life without her now. I look back at everything I did before having a baby...and not much of it matters to me now. And I can't forget Shelley. She's my first baby...even though she can get annoying occasionally, she makes it up with her sweet face and her gentleness with Ellie.
Another, not so sentimental, joy I've discovered recently is using my bread machine...
(Sorry the photo is lame and from the website, but I'm too lazy to go take a picture of mine, which looks exactly like this...)
I have found that I love to make bread! It's cheaper than buying fancy bread from the store, and I can make whatever I want. So far, I've made rolls, cinnamon swirl bread, and french bread...all from scratch and using my bread machine. I had to make the initial purchase of yeast, but everything else I always have on hand (flour, milk, eggs, sugar, salt...etc.). I love when Billy thanks me for making homemade really motivates me to keep doing it. And it's not like it's really time consuming...the bread machine makes the dough for me, I just have to put the ingredients in. Then all it takes is letting the bread sit for a while, popping it in the oven, and then it's done!
I wonder why it's so hard for us to treasure the simple things in life...our families...making bread....sitting down with a good book. You would think that we would realize in the moment that these things are worthwhile and edifying, or just make us happy...but I know I usually take these things for granted. I get so caught up in everything else, like trying to clean my house, or going to the store, or using every media device available (cell phone, computer, TV, iPod, etc.) that I sometimes miss out on the simple moments that are the most enjoyable. Billy and I decided last week that we want to cut down on the time we spend watching TV. Now, we only watch the shows we actually want to see, instead of just turning on the TV when it's too quiet in the house. Thank goodness this is working for us, because I've noticed just in the past week how much easier it is to go to bed at 9:00, and how I feel like we've spent time together as a family. I just don't want to waste my life away spending time with electronics and cleaning products and miss out on the time I could spend with my family, or in quiet solitude enjoying a book, or the time I could spend in the kitchen making something for my family. Does anyone else feel this way? I just want to use my time wisely, on the things that really matter in my life. And I want to pass that on to Ellie, instead of raising her to be a texting-addicted TV junkie. I swear, some days I really would love to move out into the middle of nowhere, with no Internet connection or cell phone service, and just live in peace without all the noise!
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